A fire started in a motor home and the cause of the fire was unclear.
Our client required an expert in Air Conditioners, Refrigerators and Motor Home Fires to assess the source of the spontaneous combustion of a rooftop mounted air conditioning unit. The fire led to the destruction of a motor home and a large tomato farm.
With a limited number of experts in Australia specialising in spontaneous combustion, we sourced an expert from the United State of America with specialties in Fire Science, Combustion Chemistry and Heat Transfer.
The expert has a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and has extensive experience in origin and cause investigations of fires and explosions, ranging from small residential fires to multi-acre wildland fires. The expert has also been retained as an expert witness in over 36 cases which involved motor home fires and assessing refrigerators and air condition units.
The expert received commendations for contributing an opinion to the matter, being referred to as an “exemplary witness” by the arbitrator, who was a retired High Court Judge.
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