Coal Transport Expert Witness

Expert Requested:

Independent expert witness comment was required for a coal product and whether it could be delivered at short notice in a short timeframe between two locations. This issue gave rise to a significant dispute between a coal producer and a supply chain manager. One of the parties claimed that the supply chain manager failed to purchase certain volumes of coal under the agreed contract.

Our client sought an independent opinion on the constraints on the supply of coal in the industry during that time period, and whether these supply constraints were taken into consideration when the two parties entered into an agreement for a continuous purchasing schedule.


Expert Retained:

We sourced a Resources and Infrastructure Expert with very specific experience in NSW coal shipping ports for the specified time period. The expert’s experience includes logistics, port infrastructure and materials handling.

The expert was previously a General Manager for various large infrastructure businesses specialising in coal, and has been appointed to the Executive Board of a major NSW coal shipping company.

Coal Transport Arbitration Expert Witness
International Arbitration
service provided
1 expert witnesses